Our Property Inventory Services

We offer straightforward and reliable inventory services in London. 

Inventory Make

Our inventory report is fully itemised report with a detailed schedule of condition for each room including all fixtures, furniture and fittings supported by photographic evidence. A detailed report is vital for any landlord wishing to protect themselves against end of tenancy disputes. Recent changes to the Tenancy Deposit Scheme has resulted in landlords having to return full deposits when they could not provide sufficient evidence to justify repair and maintenance deductions.


Price Starts: £70     

Check-In Inventory

This entails a walk-through of the inventory with the tenants at the beginning of their tenancy. Meter readings are taken and the report is signed off by the tenant. Keys for the property are then handed over. Our check-in inventory service ensures both parties have agreed to contents and accuracy of the inventory report.


Price Starts: £60

Interim Inspection

A mid-tenancy inspection is undertaken using the inventory to ensure the tenants are maintaining the up-keep of the property. Damages, maintenance issues and other discrepancies are noted in the report. This enables the landlord to keep track of any wear and tear and avoid nasty surprises at the end of the tenancy.


Price Starts: £60

Check-Out Inventory

The is an end of tenancy inspection using the original inventory report where we evaluate the present state of the property, the fixtures and fittings compared with the condition at the time of the Check-In. The property will be examined for cleanliness and damaged, missing or replaced items will be listed. Photographs are taken of any deterioration or damage.


Price Starts: £60


Property inventory is a vital part of the lettings process, as an agent you want to ensure your landlords and tenants start their tenancy in the right path. You can do this by using an independent professional property inventory service.



A comprehensive and independent inventory report at the start of the tenancy accompanied with an independent checkout at the end of the tenancy is surely the best way to protect yourself as a landlord against disputes at the end of tenancy.

Ready to get started?

We value your time and money

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